Version 1.0 Overview

Replace date tags within your content items with formatted date strings that count up or down to the specified date. Prefix and suffix based on past or future dates. Date range restrictions, and more.

Use the plugin configuration to set defaults, such as standard output length (how many units of measure to display) as well as default suffixes and prefixes for both past and future dates.

Within each plugin tag, you can specify if the tag is to display only within a specific date or time range. All dates can be entered using standard PHP Time, Date, Compound, or Relative Format.



  1. Download EXTENSIONNAME from the RicheyWeb download page.  
    • This page will remain unlinked, as the link may change in the future.  Visit and use the search feature - search for "EXTENSIONNAME".
  2. In Joomla /administrator, go to the "Extensions" menu, the "Manage" sub-menu, and the "Install" sub-menu.
  3. Select the "Upload Package File" tab
  4. Press the "Choose File" button to browse your system and locate the plugin file you downloaded
  5. Press the "Upload & Install" button

At this point, the extension is installed but not enabled.  You can find the plugin by going to the Extensions menu and selecting "Plugins".  When in the plugin manager, search for "EXTENSIONNAME".  




  • Parameter Types:
    • length
      • Value: Integer - can be a quoted or unquoted integer between 1 and 6. Values above 6 are ignored.
      • Sets the number of values to display. For example, if set to 2 and the result is 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute - the output would be 1 year and 1 month.
      • Overrides Number of Elements option in the plugin basic settings.
      • Example: {ageof length=2}tomorrow noon{/ageof}
    • pastfuture
      • Value: Boolean - can be a quoted or unquoted 1 or 0. Any value other than 0 is considered true.
      • Enables/Disables the default suffix for the output. If in the past - the output is followed by ago, if in the future - the output is followed by from now.
      • Overrides Past/Future Suffix option in the plugin basic settings.
      • Example: {ageof pastfuture=0}tomorrow noon{/ageof}
    • pastprefix
      • Value: String - Must be quoted unless it is a single word containing no spaces.
      • String to prepend to the output if the date is in the past.
      • Overrides Past Prefix option in the plugin basic settings.
      • Example: {ageof pastprefix='A long time ago, '}yesterday noon{/ageof}
    • pastsuffix
      • Value: String - Must be quoted unless it is a single word containing no spaces.
      • String to apppend to the output if the date is in the past.
      • Overrides Past Suffix option in the plugin basic settings.
      • Example: {ageof pastsuffix=' - in a galaxy far, far away.'}yesterday noon{/ageof}
    • futureprefix
      • Value: String - Must be quoted unless it is a single word containing no spaces.
      • String to prepend to the output if the date is in the future.
      • Overrides Future Prefix option in the plugin basic settings.
      • Example: {ageof futureprefix='Sometime in the near future, maybe in '}tomorrow noon{/ageof}
    • futuresuffix
      • Value: String - Must be quoted unless it is a single word containing no spaces.
      • String to apppend to the output if the date is in the future.
      • Overrides Future Suffix option in the plugin basic settings.
      • Example: {ageof futuresuffix=', I plan on having lunch.'}tomorrow noon{/ageof}
    • before & after
      • Values: date strings - Any date format accepted in the valid date formats below. Be sure that your between value is a date or time before your and value.
      • Display only if the current date/time is before/after or between these two values. Can be used individually, or together.
      • Example: {ageof after='today 17:00' before='tomorrow 8:00'}tomorrow 8:00{/ageof}
  • Valid Date Formats:
  • Just for fun:
    • Michael Richey is {ageof pastfuture=0 length=1 pastsuffix=' old. Yikes!'}1/21/1974{/ageof}
    • Simon Richey is {ageof pastfuture=0 length=1 pastsuffix=' old. Wow!'}12/6/2007{/ageof}
    • {ageof between='today 17:00' and='tomorrow 8:00' pastprefix='The store closed '}today 17:00{/ageof}{ageof pastfuture=0 between='today 17:00' and='tomorrow 8:00' futureprefix=' it will re-open in ' pastsuffix='.'}tomorrow 8:00{/ageof}{ageof between='today 8:00' and='today 17:00' futureprefix='The store will close in '}today 17:00{/ageof}
    • The United States Declaration of Independence {ageof length=1 postprefix'was signed ' futureprefix='will be signed '}7/4/1776{/ageof}