Version 1.15 Overview

Sliding panels are nice, but have been restrictive and difficult - until now! Top and bottom tabbed sliding module panels done right with NicePanel.

NicePanel provides an administrator the ability to create as many top and/or bottom sliding panel tabs as (s)he wishes. Here are the features:

  • Separate top/bottom panel configurations
  • Automatic tabs - based on the module title
  • Preserves Javascript events (unlike some other panels)
  • Independent left/right tab alignment
  • Independent tab styles
  • Tab content honors Joomla ACL

I've added the ability for an administrator to use the CSS textarea applied by the plugin, or to turn off the styling portion so the panels can be styled using the template stylesheet. NicePanel is light - no additional JS frameworks required - NicePanel is pure MooTools.



  1. Download NicePanel from the RicheyWeb download page.  
    • This page will remain unlinked, as the link may change in the future.  Visit and use the search feature - search for "NicePanel".
  2. In Joomla /administrator, go to the "Extensions" menu, the "Manage" sub-menu, and the "Install" sub-menu.
  3. Select the "Upload Package File" tab
  4. Press the "Choose File" button to browse your system and locate the plugin file you downloaded
  5. Press the "Upload & Install" button

At this point, the extension is installed but not enabled.  You can find the plugin by going to the Extensions menu and selecting "Plugins".  When in the plugin manager, search for "NicePanel".  



First, take the modules that you wish to be presented as tab panels, and assign them to a new module position (you can just type it into the module configuration). For simplicity, I'm going to call the new positions "nicepaneltop" and "nicepanelbottom" - but in reality, you can name them anything you want. The module order will be the tab order (if using right tab alignment, the tab order is reversed)

Then, in NicePanel configuration, set the module position to be presented in the top and bottom panel positions. Save it.

You're done. Panels with no pain.