Joomla Plugins
This user plugin tracks successful and failed login attempts, the connecting IP address, the OS, Browser (and version) and of course - the time attempted. Available in /administrator and optionally in the user profile (only visible to the owning user), this plugin offers an AJAX powered IP lookup, providing some rudimentary details from a free lookup service.
The Fields - Terms of Service plugin adds a custom field type (tos) that allows you to add terms field(s) to your registration form. In case you missed that - you can add terms FIELDS (plural) to your registration forms.
With this plugin, you can directly edit the hit counter for any article your user is authorized to edit. Just type in the new number, and hit save.
If you're like me, you have many sites to keep track of. You might even share that responsibility with other administrators. This extension is for you!
This plugin detects the Do Not Track browser setting and adds or removes a Joomla Access Level based on that setting. Components, Modules and Plugins which set tracking cookies can then be added to that access level.
Nomad allows you to create an alternate homepage for logged in users.