SSL Labs ScoreHSTS Preloaded

Authentication - As User


When installed, configured and enabled, anyone who is authorized by the plugin configuration may use their own password to log in as any other enabled user. Authorized users may not use their own passwords to log in as another authorized user.


  1. Download Authentication - As User from the RicheyWeb download page.
    • This page will remain unlinked, as the link may change in the future. Visit and use the search feature - search for "Authentication - As User".
  2. In Joomla /administrator, go to the "Extensions" menu, the "Manage" sub-menu, and the "Install" sub-menu.
  3. Select the "Upload Package File" tab
  4. Press the "Choose File" button to browse your system and locate the plugin file you downloaded
  5. Press the "Upload & Install" button

At this point, the extension is installed but not enabled. You can find the plugin by going to the Extensions menu and selecting "Plugins". When in the plugin manager, search for "Authentication - As User".


There is only one configuration parameter - "Authorized Groups", for which the administrator chooses groups which are authorized to use their own passwords to log in as site users. Choose one or more groups.


There isn't much to prevent this plugin from working. If you have an issue - please request support.